
About Robyn Rose

Vice President, Marketplace Consulting Group

Small Business Needs Our Support

2018-02-20T02:03:18-06:00 By |Small Business, SMB Marketing|

Small business is an integral part of most communities. SMBs have many faces. It can be the local hardware store owner, the auto repair shop you can trust, the doctor who will still see you on Saturday, and the garage door repair person who will come after hours. It’s the neighborhood restaurant owners who depends on [...]

SMB Social Media – Which One is Right for Me?

2018-02-20T02:03:42-06:00 By |Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Small Business, SMB Marketing, SnapChat, Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Vine, YouTube|

SMB social media options can be overwhelming. There are obvious choices like Facebook and Twitter, but there are others like LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, Vine, and so many more smaller platforms. How can an SMB decide which social media sites to use? Questions to ask yourself about SMB social media 1. Where are my [...]

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Pinterest Buy It Button

2018-02-20T02:04:55-06:00 By |Pinterest, Social Media Marketing|

Pinterest recently announced plans to add a blue “Buy It” button to its repertoire. The idea is to take the social scrapbooking site and transform it into an ecommerce venue. Basically, take the consumer through the whole shopping funnel on one site… from initial idea to purchase. Pinterest Buy It Example Shopify recently [...]

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Shark Week Marketing

2018-02-20T02:05:40-06:00 By |Social Media Marketing|

Shark Week has grown into quite a marketing sensation. What started as a Discovery television event has developed into social media event. This year’s Shark Week happens to fall on the heels of several shark attacks on the East Coast. People are definitely talking sharks. Whether they are scared of sharks or in awe of [...]

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